by Kim Dare
Raised among humans, Ori Jones only discovered he was an avian shifter six months ago. Unable to complete a full shift until he reaches his avian maturity, he still can’t be sure of his exact species.But with species comes rank, and rank is everything to the avians. When a partial shift allows the e...
This was the first time in a long time when I felt warmth in the belly. Like, for real.This is a fairytale but not because it’s flowers and hearts and pink everywhere, but because it’s magical. As simple as that.The writing grabs you and doens’t let go but it’s not only that, it’s not that it’s a pa...
Two shifters fall in love based on an incorrect assumption. Can their love survive when the truth comes out? Ori is a fledgling looking forward to his full transformation into a duck. He’s living and working with a group of other avian shifters, but the other shifters are physically and emotionall...
Cute shifter D/s story. Nothing new or exciting, but I liked the fairly tale quality of it.
4.5 StarsTypically, BDSM is not my thing. Occasionally I enjoy a little slap and tickle but I don't find pain and spanking and being tied up all that alluring and I often roll my eyes at the dom/sub dynamics because I just can't relate. So I was very surprised by how much I enjoyed this book. This...
I liked the second half of this book better than the first half. ---Spoilers ahead---We have Ori, an avian shifter who everyone thinks is going to be a duck. And is therefore at the bottom of the hierarchy. When Raynard, a hawk, takes Ori away from the Nest, he decides to train him as his submissive...
A sweet if short m/m bdsm read, chronicles the relationship between shape-shifting hawk Raynard and his fledgling submissive Ori.'The most valuable possession my master owns is his submissive. I will take great care that no harm comes to my master's submissive whenever he is not there to watch over ...
This is one of Dare's better stories. I agree with criticisms about the characterization (or lack thereof) of Ori and wish more time had been spent with him. More detailed world building could have made this something great instead of just good. Having said that, this story does exactly what it se...
This book is one of the best books I have read. It had funny moments, cute moments and some of the most beautiful lines I have ever read. I loved it!!! Such a beautiful love story.
5 stars =)