Dustin LaValley is an author and screenwriter from New York. His horror/thriller novella, Spinner, was cited as the "2012 Book of the Year" by Shock Horror Magazine. The psychological thriller novella, The Deceived, was released in August of 2013 by Thunderstorm Books as a limited edition...
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Dustin LaValley is an author and screenwriter from New York. His horror/thriller novella, Spinner, was cited as the "2012 Book of the Year" by Shock Horror Magazine. The psychological thriller novella, The Deceived, was released in August of 2013 by Thunderstorm Books as a limited edition hardcover and sold-out within 24 hours. He has had four scripts produced for film with three in pre-production at this time. His first stage play, an adaptation of his short story "Picture-in-Picture" is underway. He has been featured in such diverse outlets as PBS, Yahoo News, Decibel Magazine, 3:AM Magazine and NPR.For info and updates, visit http://dustinthevalley.tumblr.com
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