Hello, dear readers. I am a humorist and story-teller, a commentator for OFF RAMP on KPCC (Pasadena's NPR affiliate), sometimes a comic, sometimes a philosopher. I cannot tell you how much I hope you'll enjoy reading my stuff. My novel, LAUGHS LAST, might just be the piece of work of which I...
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Hello, dear readers. I am a humorist and story-teller, a commentator for OFF RAMP on KPCC (Pasadena's NPR affiliate), sometimes a comic, sometimes a philosopher. I cannot tell you how much I hope you'll enjoy reading my stuff. My novel, LAUGHS LAST, might just be the piece of work of which I am most proud. Sadly it is temporarily out of print and seeking a new publisher. My e-book, THE MODERN DEPRESSION GUIDEBOOK is still available, though, and it's very funny! Also, my CDs are available at Amazon, though I haven't quite figured out how to add them all to my page yet so . . . you know. Search for my name. And check out my website at http://dylanbrody.com
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