Dylan Thomas
Birth date: October 27, 1914
Died: November 09, 1953
Dylan Thomas's Books
This man won the Nobel Prize for literature.
The fourth, and final, Dover poetry anthology I am reviewing. As with the others, it is an easily portable, inexpensive book. Includes work by 58 poets. Ten were born before 1600, another six in the 17th century, twelve in the 18th century, and two in the 20th century. So 28 were born in the 19th c...
Brief ChronologyPOEMS18 Poems--I see the boys of summer--When once the twilight locks--A process in the weather of the heart--Before I knocked--The force that through the green fuse--My hero bares his nerves--Where once the waters of your face--If I were tickled by the rub of love--Our eunuch dreams...
August Bank Holiday - read by the main man. You can read it here: http://books.google.se/books?id=aE7eS_vRXS0C&pg=PA137&lpg=PA137&dq=holiday+memory+dylan+thomas&source=bl&ots=h-PLbaHIXM&sig=aWHfxRCSqo9P8VcuWhz_-utg-2o&hl=sv&sa=X&ei=Fzi2UejKGsyN4gSY8IDgCQ&ved=0CFQQ6AEwBQ#v=onepage&q=holiday%20memory%...
Exquisite. Evocative. A masterpiece.