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Джоан Катлийн Роулинг's readers
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Well, it's here folks. The final showdown, at least for me. The final review and the finish to my self-imposed Harry Potter summer challenge. Much like many people, I read the whole series, only in my case, it wasn't in preparation for the movie. Rather, it was me finally coming back to finish what ...
So after my last couple of reviews, you probably expect this to be a complete snark fest.Well... I kinda wish it was. But book seven is right here with me, waiting to be read, so why waste venom on this one? No reason, really, since it's pretty much Rowling throwing in the character development that...
Here be warned: This review contains cursing. Greetings, loved ones, and let us talk of a young witch named Hermione Granger.Hermione is, and always has been, a delight to read. Not necessarily because she's a girl, but because she is the only character amongst those 14 year olds who actually has a ...
This used to be my favorite. Now... it still is, but I can't help but think - how very convenient.
I re-read this today and stand by my rating - this book is three star material all the way. But it's very, very rare that a second book of the series is better than the first. Really, I can only think of Behemoth and The Well of Ascension in that respect. Anyway, book two reintroduces us to our ...