E.F. Bleiler
Birth date: April 30, 1920
Died: June 13, 2010
E.F. Bleiler's Books
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This is a collection of twelve stories taken from the first two (of three) books featuring the "Old Man in the Corner," one of Emmuska Orczy's very first literary creations and -- but for Edgar Allan Poe's M. Dupin (who solves the Mystery of Marie Rogêt solely based on a number of newspaper articles...
Ronald W Chambers is something of an oddity in the annals of writerdom. He made a comfortable living writing popular romance - a kind of Nicholas Sparks of the 1910s and 20s - yet all of those books are now forgotten and he's now chiefly remembered for a single novel, one he wrote early on in his ca...
I find it quite strange that I’ve never actually read any of Algernon Blackwood’s stories until now; he was, after all, one of the most prominent ghost story/weird fiction writers of the Edwardian period. Also, he has the coolest name ever - I think anyone with a name like Algernon Blackwood is prob...
I never realized until recently that Lovecraft admired and tried to emulate a few of this author's horror feel, that his stories are the godfather of the Cthulhu mythos. Strangely enough, the prose is fluid and compelling in a way that Lovecraft couldn't match. Of course, it isn't Lovecraftian prose...
A classic of weird horror, The King in Yellow is a collection of short stories. Well, the first four stories are weird horror classics. Related only by the existence and influence of the play The King in Yellow, the second act of which will inevitably drive mad any who read it, they're a set of nice...