by Alexander Pushkin, Ronald Francis Hingley
bookshelves: classic, slavic Read from September 05, 2010 to May 08, 2013, read count: 3 Canto the FirstI"My uncle's goodness is extreme,If seriously he hath disease;He hath acquired the world's esteemAnd nothing more important sees;A paragon of virtue he!But what a nuisance it will be,Chained t...
Another masterpiece in the Russian literature. I loved this book, it's easy to read and catches the attention of the reader and keeps it to the last page.
Canto the FirstI"My uncle's goodness is extreme,If seriously he hath disease;He hath acquired the world's esteemAnd nothing more important sees;A paragon of virtue he!But what a nuisance it will be,Chained to his bedside night and dayWithout a chance to slip away.Ye need dissimulation baseA dying ma...
I dare you, double-triple-dog dare you¹, to find a Russian person who has never heard of Evgeniy Onegin. ¹ If you do somehow manage to find this living-under-the-rock person, I unfortunately cannot provide you with a monetary reward since I have no money to speak of. Instead, I will treat you to t...
Uvek se ponovo zaljubim u nju! Moram da je pročitam u originalu, što pre!
AcknowledgementsChronologyIntroduction & NotesFurther ReadingA Note on the Translation & NotesA Note on the MapMap--Eugene OneginNotes
AcknowledgementsChronologyIntroduction & NotesFurther ReadingA Note on the Translation & NotesA Note on the MapMap--Eugene OneginNotes
Wow - if anyone is not 'into' poetry, I urge them to read this truly brilliant book.
Holy crap, this thing is good. It's amazing. And it's only around 200 pages, so it's not as much of a commitment as, y'know, those other Russian assholes who can't stop writing.It's a "novel in verse," which means epic poem, wtf, in iambic tetrameter. It's organized in stanzas that are almost son...
Just read it...If there ever was any character I related to more than any other in literature, it would be Tatiana; I love that she is not the typical heroine: quite, reflective, a reader, melancholy, passionate without loosing her senses, etc. And that Evgeny is an anti-hero; I don't think American...