by Diana Wynne Jones
Earwig is an orphan. When she was a baby she was left at the orphanage and has been there ever since. But she doesn't want it any other way. She likes the orphanage, the people there, her friend Custard and most of all, they do what she wants. She's avoided being chosen all this time, but there is o...
Now I yearn for fried bread. Drat.
A bittersweet read–the last Diana Wynne Jones. It reads pretty young and I prefer her older books. But the genuine kookiness and slightly unlikeable characters that make up so much of her work are definitely present.
Earwig is an orphan, and happy to be one in the orphanage where everyone does what she wants. Then the unthinkable happens and a very odd couple come to adopt her. Bella Yaga (get it?) is a witch who thinks she can use Earwig to do her tedious chores, but Earwig is smart, and hard-working, and cleve...
A strange feeling to be reading the last book Diana Wynne Jones completed. Earwig and the Witch, aimed for younger readers, touches on the same territory as The Ogre Downstairs where it can be read as being about the relationship between children and those who are meant to be looking after them, an...
I simply loved it. It's meant for younger children - quite young I'd say from about five years, so despite me missing the age range by a few miles it is just the most enjoyable little story.