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Eating Animals - Community Reviews back

by Jonathan Safran Foer
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Line Bookaholic
Line Bookaholic rated it 9 years ago
I can't count the post-its I put in this book. And the quotes I underlined. And the !! I put everywhere. This book depicts the reality of factory farms and the meat we find in our supermarkets (at least in the USA, I know that it is not the same in Europe because industries are a bit smaller, but st...
Remember When the Music
Remember When the Music rated it 10 years ago
Most of you probably know Jonathan Safran Foer as the author behind Everything is Illuminated and Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close. He’s also husband to fellow writer Nicole Krauss, who herself is author of The History of Love and Man Walks Into a Room, also a great piece of thought-provoking and...
silverneurotic rated it 11 years ago
Jonathan Safran Foer spent much of his teenage and college years oscillating between carnivore and vegetarian. As he became a husband and a father, he kept returning to two questions: Why do we eat animals? And would we eat them if we knew how they got on our dinner plates?Brilliantly synthesizing p...
BrokenTune rated it 11 years ago
I'm not a big fan of Jonathan Safran Foer's fiction but - following a recommendation - I have had “Eating Animals” on my kindle for quite some time. It took a while to overcome the trepidation of trusting JSF to write about a topic that relates to a personal bias of mine. Straight out - I wholeheart...
Ladyboheme rated it 11 years ago
Hace aproximadamente un año decidí dejar de comer carne. No fue una decisión tomada a la ligera, sino la lógica evolución de algo que venía de largo. Hubo una serie de factores que me llevaron a ello y que no me gusta explicar porque además, a nada que expliques, la gente piensa que tratas de “conve...
AudiobookReviewer rated it 11 years ago
Please find my review here: http://audiobookreviewer.com/Audiobook-detail/eating-animals/
Lee's Library
Lee's Library rated it 12 years ago
I’m sitting here after finishing this book asking myself - how is it possible that only one short month ago I was regularly and obliviously munching away on fish and meat without the least idea of what goes into their production and delivery to my table? The way this author approached the topic...
Sandra rated it 12 years ago
Pre-Reading: I've been vegetarian before, it didn't stick. I always want to do it again but to be honest it's part laziness, part picky food eating, and part that my husband is an amazing cook of all things yummy and delicious (meat included), and I use being a foody as an excuse to not want to li...
Bookish Brina
Bookish Brina rated it 12 years ago
I literally had nightmares about chickens in cages for the three days it took me to read this. I was already a vegetarian when I decided to read Eating Animals. I have to say that it reaffirmed my decision and I will NEVER eat meat again. What we humans are willing to allow in order to satisfy our t...
snoylna rated it 13 years ago
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