by Pam Muñoz Ryan
A coworker recommended this book to me at least a year ago and it took me until now to read it. I'm very glad I did though. (I read part on desk and that was a mistake because I kept wanting to cry.) The stories each on their own are compelling, covering (probably) lesser-known aspects of well-kno...
compelling format, and magical realism without taking agency from its characters or taking motivation away from them. I really admire/appreciate the skill needed to walk that line.
If you haven't read this book yet, it is a really creative, moving, middle grade novel. I highly recommend the audio book, and, despite the fact that my daughter has the gorgeous hardcover on her night table, I encouraged her to listen to the story as well. Music is such a huge part of this story, s...
"YOUR FATE IS NOT YET SEALED. EVEN IN THE DARKEST NIGHT, A STAR WILL SHINE, A BELL WILL CHIME, A PATH WILL BE REVEALED." This book is classified "juvenile," but I think it's the kind of book that can appeal to readers of all ages. A boy named Otto gets lost in a dark forest in Germany, and is ass...
This is one of those books that I gave four stars because objectively I could tell it was masterfully done and not necessarily because I enjoyed it a ton.It consists of four loosely related historical fiction stories. Each one is atmospheric and filled with details that really place you into the tim...
Hello Everyone, When I am traveling in the car I am usually listening to an audiobook. I have listened to many different books this way and Echo is one of them. The audio version of this book has a lot of interesting features, which I will discuss later on in this review. Do not feel daunted by...
When I heard that this middlegrade book pushes the boundaries of the genre, I knew I had to get my hands on it. I’ve liked Pam Muñoz Ryan’s other middlegrade novels and had high hopes for this one, so I ordered it without doing much research. I did not expect a 600-page cinderblock to show up at my ...
Pretty gorgeous. Kind of timeless, rooted in history, and timely all at once. Great way to start a conversation about what brings us all together in America and what we share. Makes me want to learn the harmonica.
This was a very light, enjoyable read; the only prominent flaws I found was somewhat choppy, sometimes tell-instead-of-show writing. Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
***This review has also been posted on The Social PotatoThis book. Oh my god this book. I'd be lying if I said I didn’t know what I was getting into before I started reading the book but knowing how many emotions you will be bombarded with doesn’t really prepare you for them. Nothing does until you’...