Title: The Bane [Eden Trilogy 1] Author: Keary Taylor Genre: Sci-Fi, Futuristic Dystopian, YA Rating: 4, nearly 5 Stars (I'll explain) Description/Synopsis: Before the Evolution there was TorBane: technology that infused human DNA with cybernetic matter. It had the ability to grow new organs and li...
This was fairly decent to be a free book. I felt like I was waiting the entire time for something big to happen. I'm not sure what I expected exactly, but it was an expectation of, "something big and exciting". There were some interesting things that happened during this book but it all felt kind...
Oh my goodness this book! I was so confused when searching for this book on Goodreads because it's actually under the name "Eden" evidently it's been revamped into a series since everyone loved it. I don't know if that means the author wrote more or if it was originally longer and she just split it ...
This review also posted at A Bookish CompulsionThis was a freebie book I picked up somewhere along the way that struck my fancy to read on the long train ride out to visit my in-laws this holiday season.When attempting to describe The Bane to my husband I said it was a post-apocalyptic where the hum...
Eve doesn’t know her history. She was found wandering around at 12 with barely any clothes and no memory of life before the Evolution. TorBane was an exciting new technology that was imbedded cybernetic material into human DNA and make it possible to regrow human organs and limbs. When it was fir...
Author: Keary Taylor Title: The Bane Series: The Eden Trilogy Cover Rating: Book Rating: Buy This Book: Before the Evolution there was TorBane: technology that infused human DNA with cybernetic matter. It had the ability to grow new organs and limbs, to heal the world. Until it evolved ...
To avoid confusion: this novel was originally published in 2011 under the title, Eden. It has been republished in 2013 as The Bane. As far as I know, the content of the book has not changed; only the title.With that disclaimer out of the way, it’s hard to put into words how I felt about The Bane. I ...
*I was provided a free copy by the author for an honest review*So I was really impressed with this book. I didn't really know what to thing starting out. It has a similar story to a lot of other books lately. Post-apocalyptic, love triangle, fight to survive, human like machines etc. However it stoo...
Thank you NetGalley for providing me with a copy of this book!Note: Just to avoid any confusion, this book was originally published under the title Eden and was republished in March 2013 under the title The Bane.In the future, a technology called TorBane––a combination of human DNA and cybernetic ma...
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