Šta je to pozornica? Vidiš? Tu se igrom spremaju ozbiljne stvari. Šest lica - Otac, Sin, Majka, Pastorka, Dečak, Devojčica - nešto smeteni i neodlučni ulaze na probu jedne pozorišne predstave. Imaju naročite maske, da deluju kao kreirane realnosti. Odeća im je takva da ne daje utisak da je sašive...
Oh, this play is great. What a fucking thing it is. It's about how we create our own realities: how each of us choose to play a character, to such an extent that we sometimes sit outside ourselves, watching our characters act out their scenes. And it's about the subjective nature of reality: how to ...
Like Noises Off but less farcical and more, like, deep.