This is just beautiful. Absolutely beautiful in places. This is Teffi's account of her journey out of Revolutionary Russia. It has beauty, humor, and sorrow.Thank NYRB Book Club, thank you.(May 2016 selection)
bookshelves: spring-2016, a-cut-above, adventure, author-in-the-mirror, autobiography-memoir, beautifully-put, chase-me-chase-me, character-growth, decline-disintergration-degradation, diamonds-are-a-girls-best-friend, ex-pats, fascinating-fayre, gulp, hell-breaks-loose-one-night-ashore, life-is-ch...
Most of the leading lights of Russian literature—especially before the Russian Revolution—that most people know are men. Almost two years ago, I was delighted to learn that the work of one Russian woman was being translated and published in English. I had never heard of Teffi and was astonished to f...