by Ned Beauman, Robin Detje
******THE PAPERBACK PUB DATE IS TODAY! ONLY $16 LIST PRICE!****** And worth every dime of it. New Review! I give 4.8 happy stars of five to THE TELEPORTATION ACCIDENT by Ned Beauman. Bloomsbury Walker publishes the paper edition this coming Tuesday. It's a must-buy holiday self-gift! Really...only...
New Review! I give 4.8 happy stars of five to THE TELEPORTATION ACCIDENT by Ned Beauman. Bloomsbury USA publishes the paper edition this coming Tuesday. It's a must-buy holiday self-gift!This novel was longlisted for the 2012 Booker Prize, and I see why. Beauman's linguistic playfulness and inventiv...
Not entirely sure what I think of it... The prose was sometimes fun, sometimes frustrating. There was really no reason to like the main character except for living up to his surname (a loser, indeed).It took a bit long to get the story going - I wish the conceptual, cyclical nature of the story wasn...
So incredibly not my cup of tea.
This book lives up to all of the comments on the flyleaf, and has really striking cover art. Picking this book up and reading the comments on the back cover and enjoying the striking front cover is an example of why hardcopy books have such an edge on ebooks. Egon Loeser is a protagonist who is al...
Pre-read: Is it shallow that I want to have babies with this cover?***Poor Egon Loeser.At the beginning of Ned Beauman's The Teleportation Accident, he's just broken up with his girlfriend (a wild ride in the sack, even if she is rather difficult to get off), there's no good coke to be had in all of...