9783257064780 (3257064780)
Edition language: Deutsch
Literary Fiction,
Asian Literature,
Magical Realism,
Short Stories,
Japanese Literature
Im Rahmen meiner Autorinnenchallenge bin ich beim Buchstaben Y zufällig auf Banana Yoshimoto gestossen und sehr positiv überrascht. Ich möchte unbedingt baldigst einen Roman oder eine Novelle von dieser Autorin lesen, denn ihr Schreibstil hat mich sehr begeistert. Komisch dass mich bisher alle Japan...
È il primo libro di Banana Yoshimoto che leggo nella mia vita. Sinceramente, non sapevo proprio cosa aspettarmi, pur conoscendo in parte quanto sia diversa la letteratura giapponese dalla nostra. Credo di essere rimasta senza parole e di non riuscire ancora ad articolare nessun pensiero coerente co...
The translation of this book is terrible, but the stories are excellent. Hopefully she gets a new translator someday. If possible, I will read in Japanese to avoid this translator.
The translation of this book is terrible, but the stories are excellent. Hopefully she gets a new translator someday. If possible, I will read in Japanese to avoid this translator.
So unfortunately I did that thing I always do where I don't write the review right after I read a book. And now it's 3 weeks later and I'm straining my brain to remember what I wanted to say about the book. Sorry I'm dumb.This was the second book I read by Yoshimoto (my first was Kitchen which I lov...