Ein unbekanntes Feuer : Roman
9783548310640 (3548310648)
Edition language: Deutsch
Series: Dancers at the End of Time (#1)
As a writer, it's hard for me to imagine how people can just keep writing the same thing, over and over--just providing slight variations on the same plot, characters, and setting, where the only thing that changes are the names. At that point, it's less a creative endeavor than the symptom of a neu...
'Much can happen yet. After all there are at least a thousand years before the End of Time!'
Michael Moorcock is a blast from the past. In this 70's satire of a future where all is possible an permissible, he wastes no time in getting to the mo-fo-ery. Jherek is playing games to find new emotions when the realities of space aliens, the end of the universe and time travel are just too borin...
At the end of time a handful of surviving humans live lives of decadence and frivolousness in a world where whatever they desire can become reality.
I've been avoiding Michael Moorcock's Dancers at the End of Time series for years and now I feel like kicking myself. An Alien Heat was absurd and hilarious! Who knew Moorcock was so funny? Jherek Carnellian is a fantastic character, Bertie Wooster-ish at times. I knew I was going to enjoy the b...