by Albert Camus, Joan Fuster, Josep Palàcios
bookshelves: summer-2015, absurdist, suicide, published-1942, philosophy, nonfiction, lifestyles-deathstyles, e-book, essays, existentialism, lit-crit, books-about-books-and-book-shops Read from August 22 to 23, 2015 And that is indeed genius: the intelligence that knows its frontiers. Descri...
The entire time I was in possession of this book, I would look at the title and hear Paul Simon's "The Myth of Fingerprints" with the eponymous like and then "i've seen them all and man they're all the same".
The only real question worth considering is how to reconcile our absurd existence, the certain knowledge of our impending death. Most literature is going to deal with one of two perspectives, firstly, our moral and ethical systems the invisible order of culture foists on us, or secondly it is going...
In one way, at least, "The Myth of Sisyphys" is not an honest inquiry into the question of meaning. Camus dismisses, a priori, any possible supernatural source of meaning, which leaves him with only absurdity. But then he despairs because of the meaningless and absurdity of life. Well, what did he e...
Since it is 'the thing' nowadays to put lots of sparkly gifs and pics in a review, who am I to differ? "They bear away from their light, while their strict lord Death bids them to dance... and the rain washes, and cleanses the salt of their tears from their cheeks."Absurd enough. to be continued..
افسانه سیزیف :MYthe de sisypheآلبر کامومترجم: دکتر محمود سلطانیه"...من سیزیف را پای کوه رها می کنم! بار سنگین او همواره در دسترس است. سیزیف وفادارانه در برابر خدایان می ایستد و تخته سنگ ها را از جای بر می کند. او نیز همه چیز را نیک می داند و دنیا را دیگر نه سترون می بیند و نه بیهوده. هر ریزه ای از ...
A very difficult book to read it never the less was interesting in some aspects. The style of writing is very fluid and I find myself enjoying the way the author integrated both questions and his own thoughts in a way that has me thinking a great deal. This is one of the few books which does not h...