El Secreto De Sarah (Spanish Edition)
9788489354883 (848935488X)
Publisher: Montesinos
Edition language: Spanish
by Wilkie Collins A woman dies in childbirth, leaving a mysterious letter for her husband in the hands of her maid. The first part of the story established a mystery; what was in the letter? Why is the maid reluctant to give it to the husband as instructed? I found myself quickly caught up and rea...
bookshelves: autumn-2014, gothic, victorian, published-1856, winter-20142015 Recommended to ☯Bettie☯ by: Lora's Rants and Reviews Read from September 10 to December 02, 2014 Portman SquareRead here "I SIT DOWN UNASKED, AND I ANNOUNCE MY OWN NAME—ANDREW TREVERTON."Opening: BOOK I: CHAPTER I: T...
The story of the Dead Secret would have made a great film in the 1940s. Imagine as an opening, a scary looking Joan Crawford lying on her death bead forcing a very nervy Jennifer Jones, her lady’s maid, to write a confession letter directed to Joan’s husband. The letter is never given to the husband...
This book is insanely bad. Melodramatic, overwrought, moralistic, prejudiced in every possible way and just plain silly.