Elspeth was not a woman usually given to hallucinations. But when she witnesses what appears to be a woman being strangled on a train and apparently she is the only one who sees it, no-one reports it and no corpse is found, she turns to her old friend Jane Marple to help solve the puzzle. Marple...
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Elspeth was not a woman usually given to hallucinations. But when she witnesses what appears to be a woman being strangled on a train and apparently she is the only one who sees it, no-one reports it and no corpse is found, she turns to her old friend Jane Marple to help solve the puzzle. Marple asks her highly efficient and intelligent young acquaintance, Lucy Eyelesbarrow to infiltrate the Crackenthorpe family, who seems to be at the heart of the mystery, and help unmask a murderer. Description In Spanish: Mrs. MacGillicuddy es testigo durante su viaje en tren de regreso a casa- de una escena horrible: en el tren que corre paralelamente al suyo, alguien estrangula a una mujer. Al llegar a su destino, cuenta la historia a la policía y a su amiga Jane Marple. El comisario ordena una investigación, pero no descubre nada y acaba por atribuir los hechos a la imaginación de la anciana. Afortunadamente, Miss Marple presta atención a su amiga y pone en marcha su peculiar campaña detectivesca con el habitual y brillante resultado que la caracteriza.
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