bookshelves: paper-read, published-1946, under-50-ratings, shortstory-shortstories-novellas, britain-wales, philosophy, politics, teh-demon-booze, drilling-mining-digging, beautifully-put, mad-march-2016, author-love, bullies, casual-violence, class-war, disfigurement, games-people-play, life-is-ch...
Brilliant and bloody interesting. Nicely written, lots of science and differentiation between what is fact, speculation and just accepted conjecture.
She writes about the AAH and her role in it. It is her most recent book and it's funny, interesting, honest and short. If this doesn't get you interested in human evolution, nothing will.
If you're interested in the AAH, skip this book and read The Aquatic Ape Hypothesis, this one is outdated.
Of all her books that I've read, this one has the best and most updated arguments. You should read it even if you think AAH is bollocks, there's some funny stuff too. She always makes me chuckle :)
beautiful, different, funny,... loved it every time
A really thought-provoking and interesting idea that turns out to be wrong. But, hey, that's how science works. People come up with crazy or rational reasons for why something might be, and people come up with ways to test the ideas, and people critique those tests, and people do new tests, and ev...