I really wanted to like this book. I think I even did at some points. I just don’t think this series is for me. Possession never did quite click for me, and while this came closer, it just didn’t quite reach that. This is still an excellent book, just not for me. And the worst part is, I don’t know ...
This book was just as fantastic as the first one, if not more. I absolutely loved it!! Raine and Gunner are fantastic characters with so much depth to them.I really enjoyed getting to know them and some of the other new characters we get introduced to. No worries, we still get Vi and Jag too. This i...
Voto reale 3,5Sono riuscita ad avere il galley di “Surrender” grazie alla mitica @Soniadolfa che non smetterò mai di ringraziare abbastanza per avermi passato il link. Ero curiosissima di leggere il secondo volume della trilogia della Johnson, ma purtroppo il libro non ha mantenuto le sue aspettativ...
I am sooo dying to read this one!!!!