by Christopher Fulbright, Angeline Hawkes
Bruce and his young son arrive at Elderwood Manor after receiving a phone call from his mother. He and his son soon find that his childhood home hides some disturbing secrets. This was a great little read, a haunted house story that also mixed in some occult themes. The first part of the story rat...
"Elderwood Manor" is a very fast-paced haunted house story with a classic horror feel. I liked the story. But, I felt like Fulbright and Hawkes rushed things a bit much. They do a great job setting the backdrop of the story only to rush through areas where lingering on their well-written creepiness ...
Good haunted house novella but I have to agree with a few reviewers who felt that this story deserved a longer treatment. There were so many great ideas in here, telescoping all of the action into one night didn't let the story open up and generate the tension that the story was capable of, in my op...
This was an eARC from Netgalley. An interesting haunted house story, with a strong weird tale vibe that gives it an old school flair. Sadly, the frenetic pacing prevents the reader from savoring the chilling atmosphere within this tale of dark family secrets and creeping terror. Publication Date:...
Bruce is in trouble; his car has been repossessed, he has no money and his credit card is near its limit. That doesn't stop him and his four hear old son Cody from driving to Elderwood Manor, where his mother lives, when she calls him though. After they arrive, Bruce can't help but have the feeling ...
A pretty nice creep factor in this one. Impressive creature feature and not the usual bump in the night variety, these creatures added to the dread.A father and son, down on their luck, have one last option and it is not a pleasant choice. It brings back memories that are best forgotten and when re...
Widowed and broke. On the verge of eviction, Bruce and his son Cody are going to see his dying mother at his childhood home…Elderwood Manor. A very quick read with some genuinely creepy moments. I think one may have even moved a wee too fast and could have used a breather to savor the creepy factor....
Just a quick review on this one. Elderwood Manor starts off like any good horror story should. A man travelling to his boyhood home, a place of dark memories, with his son in tow. It's a premise that holds it's own special brand of ominous pretense. Creepy homes are one of my favorite settings, and ...