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Have you ever heard of Saint-Malo in France? Ah guys, it’s one of my favorite places! Saint-Malo is the Corsair Town. It’s a lair protected by fortifications and a coast spiked with reefs and breakers; it’s a bay that is a jewel of the Emerald Coast, a point from which the corsairs spread on the oce...
Forget Jack Sparrow. Meet La Griffe. A pirate to swoon for, but not a ladies man. His eyes are firmly fixed on other shores!Captain Christopher Penrose (Kit) is assigned as a valet to Sir George a British diplomat sailing to the Caribbean. Kit has been demoted after losing his ship, although not at ...
A high-seas adventure with a young man who learns what it really means to be a pirate.Lt. Christopher (Kit) Penrose, who recently lost his ship and crew, takes a job as a valet for a traveling elderly gentleman. The ship is attacked by pirates who take Kit captive due to his sailing capabilities. Le...
Pirates! Oh I hope someone's booty gets plundered!;P
Good goddamn this was brilliant.Review to come, but if you're hesitating even the littlest bit: GAY PIRATES. ADVENTURES. SWAG. A DARLING WEE SHIP. OH MY GOD WHY ARE YOU STILL HERE GO GO, GO NOW.