Eliza Lynn Linton
Birth date: January 01, 1822
Died: January 01, 1898
Eliza Lynn Linton's Books
bookshelves: published-1854, victorian, under-500-ratings, shortstory-shortstories-novellas, gutenberg-project, e-book, britain-england, dec-2015-free-for-all, winter-20152016, eng-kent-rochester Recommended to Bettie☯ by: Teresa Recommended for: Laura, Wanda et al Read from December 13 to 14, 20...
The stories in this book were originally published in 1853 as a special Christmas edition of Dickens's magazine, Household Words, the second such.Dickens again asked his contributors to provide him with stories that exemplified the spirit of Christmas, rather than being specifically set at Chritmast...
So, this woman in the Victorian club specializes in lesser-known female Victorian authors and she recommended a bunch of books to me. Neat thing to specialize in, huh? I realize some of these are less lesser-known than others; she does too.Guess what this book has? Lesbians! Whee!BTW I am going ...