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Goodreads Summary:Two girls haunted by the past...and destined to relive itIn Legacy of Lies, Megan has to stay with the uptight grandmother she wants nothing to do with. She's determined to get through the visit without any drama, but when she falls into a twisted love triangle with potentially fat...
In the first book, Legacy of Lies we meet Megan who is thrown into a long family history filled with lies. I liked Megan because she wasn't afraid to speak her mind or ask any questions. She was put into something and dealt with it the best way she knew. She asked hurtful questions, questions that w...
«Il karma è giustizia. Secondo questo principio, la vittima di una morte innaturale si reincarnerà per trovare il suo assassino»Storia carina e coinvolgente, che ti lascia con il fiato sospeso fino alla fine. Io almeno non avevo capito praticamente niente della storia di Avril e Thomas fino alla sce...
Not even gonna lie, I totally fell in love with the cover and then bought the book only partially knowing what it was about. I read the first story in a day and was pretty interested in it the whole time, but the next day when I start to read the second (completely different except for the town all ...
My actual rating for this is 4.5 stars. I would have given it 5 stars, but the ending of the second story left me wanting for more. Anyway, here's my review:Seasoned writer Elizabeth Chandler published a series of five books in the early 2000 called Dark Secrets. Simon and Pulse publishing company h...