This generational novel is centered on 3 women --- 2 of them cousins from well-to-do English families with long pedigrees and the third, an Irish American Catholic hailing from Chicago, where her father, a physician with interests in party politics, has been elected to the U.S. Senate --- who meet a...
"THE ART OF LOVE" is a novel set in the early 1930s that reads like a mystery set in an enigma. It begins in a part of London known as Bloomsbury, where a young, struggling artist (Polly Smith) is in the process of applying for a passport. A friend of hers (Oliver Fraddon) had invited her to spend t...
DNF @ 45% This book makes me angry.
Not sure how I feel about this one so far. I picked it up at the library and when I leafed through it, it looked OK, but now I'm reading it, it's a bit dull. I'm hoping that once all the preamble is out of the way, things will pick up a little bit, but I'm almost tempted to give up on it. 27/11 -...