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This moved a pit slow to begin with. Once I got towards the end, I found myself wanting to finish to see what happens and who the killer was. Detective Lissy needs to retire. Or Uncle Nico needs to smack him upside the head.
I like this series a lot for some reason. I'm not really sure why as Staci isn't usually the kind of character I like. Anyway I totally didn't know whodunit until the big reveal. Also glad to see the romance thing settled. Looking forward to the next one! Recommend!
I'm not really sure exactly how I feel about this book - I really enjoyed it right up until the dreaded words "you have to figure out who did this" (implying that Stacy is better equipped than the police). After that, the book just became 'meh'. I found myself skipping entire pages of internal dia...
Yet another good cozy this month! I really liked the first one in this series, and this one was every bit as good. I enjoy the ballroom dancing stuff and always wished I were a dancer myself. A good mystery and I'm really getting to like these characters. RECOMMEND!
The danger of theme cozies is if you aren't that interested in the theme, the book suffers a bit in the reading. I'm not a fan of dancing - I don't dislike dancing, but I don't love it, so the theme of this book keeps me from getting lost in the story (plus, really, how much long-term murder and may...