This book is GENIUS. It's an epistolary novel, meaning it's written as a series of letters. It's set in Nollop, a town that literally worships Nevin Nollop, who coined the panagram sentence "the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog". Nollop has a statue with the sentence inscribed on it, but one ...
A clever novel that is probably more fun for linguaphiles than for the general reader. The premise is that a tiny island nation off the coast of the U.S. has been constituted around Nollop, the originator of the pangram "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog." The community eschews or lacks ma...
I read this entire book in one sitting because I didn't want to lose track of the flow. I learned "the sentence" many many years ago, so that part was kind of spoiled for me by prior knowledge. But still a fun story, especially for people like me who love to play with words. Incredibly clever and...
Borrowed this one from the library, but just couldn't get into it. We were still in the process of unpacking through, so it may just have been not the right book at the right time. Might try it again one day.
A novel in letters. Ella lives on an island just outside the US where the 'author' of "The Quick Brown Fox Jumped Over The Lazy Dog" is hailed as a hero. There is even a statue of him with the infamous quote written on it. When the tiles with letters start falling down one by one, the city council d...
Well-loved books from my pastTitle: [ELLA MINNOW PEA]Author: [[MARK DUNN]]Rating: 3.9* of five The Book Description: There are two book descriptions, both good; this first is for the hardcover, published by MacAdam/Cage, that I read years ago:Ella Minnow Pea is an epistolary novel set in the fiction...