Visit Ellen online at www.elleneverthopman.comEllen Evert Hopman is a Master Herbalist and lay Homeopath who holds an M.Ed. in Mental Health Counseling.Ellen Evert Hopman is the author of a growing number of books. Her newest offering is The Secret Medicines in Your Kitchen (mPowr Publishing,...
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Visit Ellen online at www.elleneverthopman.comEllen Evert Hopman is a Master Herbalist and lay Homeopath who holds an M.Ed. in Mental Health Counseling.Ellen Evert Hopman is the author of a growing number of books. Her newest offering is The Secret Medicines in Your Kitchen (mPowr Publishing, London, October, 2012) a book that teaches the uses of foods and spices already in your home, for health and well being. Her most recent herbal is Scottish Herbs and Fairy Lore (Pendraig Publishing, 2011), a study of the folk magic and healing plants of the Highlands and islands of Scotland.Her first novel, Priestess of the Forest: A Druid Journey (Llewellyn, February 2008), was an exciting new project for her, combining a heart-warming fictional romance with practical Druid rites, prayers and rituals. The sequel is called The Druid Isle (Llewellyn, April 2010). The third book in the series is Priestess of the Fire Temple: A Druid's Tale (Llewellyn, March of 2012). All three books are designed to illuminate the Druid path for seekers of Celtic wisdom.Her latest book on tree medicine and tree lore is A Druid's Herbal for Sacred Tree Medicine (Inner Traditions - Bear and Company, June 2008).Other books include Being a Pagan: Druids, Wiccans, and Witches Today (Destiny Books, 2001), People of the Earth: The New Pagans Speak Out (Inner Traditions, 1995), Walking the World in Wonder - A Children's Herbal (Healing Arts Press, 2000), A Druid's Herbal for the Sacred Earth Year (Destiny Books, 1994) , and Tree Medicine -Tree Magic (Phoenix Publishing, Inc.,1992, currently out of print).Hopman is a founding member of The Order of the White Oak (Ord Na Darach Gile, and its former Co-Chief, a Bard of the Gorsedd of Caer Abiri, and a Druidess of the Druid Clan of Dana. She was Vice President of The Henge of Keltria, an international Druid Fellowship, for nine years and has also been at times a member of The Order of Bards, Ovates and Druids and of ADF, A Druid Fellowship. She is the co-creator of the Virtual Shrine of the Goddess Brighid ( has been a teacher of Herbalism since 1983 and of Druidism since 1990. She is a professional member of the American Herbalists Guild. Hopman is a member of the Grey Council of Mages and Sages and has been a professor at the Grey School of Wizardry.Hopman has presented on Druidism, herbal lore, tree lore, Paganism, and magic at conferences, festivals, and events in Northern Ireland, Ireland, Scotland, Canada, and the United States. She has participated in numerous radio and television programs including National Public Radio's "Vox Pop" and the Gary Null show in New York. She presented a weekly "herb report" for WRSI radio out of Greenfield, MA for over a year and was a featured subject in a documentary about Druids on A&E Television's "The Unexplained" (Sacred Societies, February 1999).She has also released video tapes and DVDs on the subjects covered in her books through Sawmill River Productions. See clips at: the DVDs for $20.00 plus $4.00 from Ellen at POB 219, Amherst, MA 01004She has been a teacher of Herbalism since 1983 and of Druidism since 1990 and has co-lead tours to Celtic and Neolithic sites in Europe. She was the founder of The New England Druid Summit, a yearly gathering of Druids in New England.She has been on the staff of Keltria: Journal of Druidism and Celtic Magick and has been a contributing author to many New Age and Pagan journals.Visit to read Ellen's monthly blog.Praise for Scottish Herbs and Fairy Lore;Many of the herbal and magical practices of the Scots are echoed intraditional Norwegian folk medicine and magic. This is a valuable resourcebook not only for the serious folklorist, but also for a wider audienceinterested in a deeper look at rural Scottish practices. Ms. Hopman has donean amazing amount of research, and her Scottish herbalism section is farmore detailed than I've seen elsewhere. A "must have" for the northernEuropean folklorist's library.Jane T. Sibley, Ph.D., author of "The Hammer of the Smith" and "The DivineThunderbolt: Missile of the Gods".Through her books, Ellen Evert Hopman lifts the veil between worlds of thepresent and the past. She guides the reader on a fascinating journey to ourancient Celtic history, simultaneously restoring lost knowledge andentertaining the reader. Be prepared to be educated and delighted.Wendy Farley, Clan McKleod"The first things is WOW! Ellen Hopman has given us a volume that belongs inHarry Potter's library. This wonderful collection of enchantments, faerylore and herbal potions, is presented by a practicing herbalist and (Isuspect) magician. It is a useful manual of magic, an unusual tourist guideto Scotland, certainly a delightful read, and at the very least, acomprehensive and thoroughly footnoted collection of folk lore forhumorless librarians and scholars."Matthew Wood MS (Scottish School of Herbal Medicine)Registered Herbalist (American Herbalists Guild)Every now and again, a book emerges from the waves of occult and magicalauthorship that delves into the deep and ancestral waters of old magic! Thisbook is one of those rare occasions. From the lore of herbs to the blessingof stones; from avioding the elf-blast to healing through Faerie blessing -Ellen guides the reader through ancient groves of oral lore to discover apower and spirit that connects the reader to the oldest of magics, the earthand her elements. I am confident that the Scottish Ancestral Wise Ones, arerenewed through this book and the old ways live once again!Orion FoxwoodEllen Evert Hopman takes us deep into a world where folk magic and herbalmedicine are part and parcel of a daily life guided by the cycles of the sunand the moon and the land. She strikes a perfect balance, combiningrigorous scholarship, deep understanding of the Scottish worldview, andclear and accessible writing with just the right measure of the mystical andpoetic. At once a rich and detailed study of traditional Scottish ways anda practical manual for bringing healing and magic into your own life. Atruly masterful work.Sean Donahue, Traditional Herbalisthttp://www.brighidswellherbs.comLike a wee bairn sitting on grandma's lap absorbing legend, lore andinstruction from the talk around the hearth, you will learn from and delightin this richly accomplished book. Take a sip or a long draught, you will benourished deeply.Susn S. Weed author of the Wise Woman Herbal series.Woven into this well-researched and beautifully presented book is a magicalthread. This thread forms a path and this path winds its way into the verymarrow of the old and forgotten ways of Scotland. Throughout these pagesEllen lavishes the reader with a body of knowledge that she means to be usedin direct participation with Nature. The message is clear: The old Wisdomendures and is more vital to us than ever before.Michael Dunning - Scottish shaman, writer, artist and teacher.A recent review of A Druids Herbal of Sacred Tree Medicine;SageWomanBBI Media, Inc.www.witchesandpagans.comAs a practicing herbalist, I am always on the lookout for books rich withherbal lore. The problem is that most books are either medicinal or magical,and when they're both, the information therein is not always especiallyhelpful. Enter Ellen Evert Hopman, whose book, however, is a thorough andcomplete look at both. Hopman is not only an herbalist but a Druidpriestess, as well and she obviously has a keen intuitive sense of treemedicine that she couples this with Druid lore (as well as Native Americanlore). Sacred Tree Medicine traces through the Druid Ogham Tree alphabet,giving the symbolic, liturgical, poetic, medicinal, and spiritual aspects ofeach sacred tree.Though there is focus on herb lore, the Goddess is given plenty ofattention, too. Hopman teaches her reader how each sacred tree assists inspiritual practice and which face of the Goddess it represents. I had themost fun taking this book to the forests by my home, identifying trees andsampling their offerings. The book closes with a section on the Druidic artsincluding magic, tools, festivals, and divinations. This gives the readerthe opportunity to put her newfound knowledge of trees and magic topractical use.Hopman is an incredible resource for all of us seeking to take our health,medicine, and spirituality into our own hands. Sacred Tree Medicine deservesa place on the shelf next to her other guides of magical and medicinal lore.
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