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Ellen Holiday
Birth date: July 13
Ellen Holiday's Books
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Community Reviews
ⓂⓂ NERD rated it 10 years ago
I really liked Kurt and Davis and I wish I have seen more of them on the book, to me the author focused so much on the political stuff than on the relationship of MC characters so we have very few secens with them, overall the book was okay I didn't hate it but at the same time I didn't like it eith...
B3 - Brooklyn's Book Bites
B3 - Brooklyn's Book Bites rated it 11 years ago
Wonderful, touching story.
Lenore rated it 11 years ago
I understand some books are meant as escapist reads, but there's only so much suspension of disbelief I can have. And it got me into a pissy mood too. Both guys were morons. Bah!
SheReadsALot...seriously. rated it 11 years ago
ARGH!!! MULTIPLE PIRATES!!This pirate lover has hit the buried treasure jackpot! Yar!I want booties plundered, ya savvy?"Cross Bones," with B. Snow is part of our free November Tweetaways! Available for an hour. http://t.co/a5oTJNV4ImEnds 9:45pm EST 11/23/13
The Novel Approach Reviews
The Novel Approach Reviews rated it 12 years ago
Exactly three years ago, I read a novella called [b:One More Soldier|8533099|One More Soldier|Marie Sexton|http://d202m5krfqbpi5.cloudfront.net/books/1358261913s/8533099.jpg|17436791], a story also set in the 1960s, a story in which one of the characters leaves to fight the war in Vietnam, a story I...
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