I liked this for the most part, though granted I skipped over at least 5 of the stories. I am pretty sure my favorites were Greenhorn by K. Tait Jarboe (rape tw), To The New World by Ryka Aoki, Runaways by Calvin Gimpelevich, Ramona's Demons by Susan Jane Bigelow, Dean & Teddy by Elliot DeLine, and ...
New features this year: -a return to judging which are the “best” (why not? I’m no more unqualified than anyone else.) -bonus features of Best of 1813 and Best of 2113. -the author’s original title for their book, if I was able to discover it. -I will disclose when my opinions are influenced by nepo...
Loved this novella about a kid who is transgender. It begins when he’s a child but most of the book is focused on his early adolescence. The voice was really true and sweet. It was a little more complicated and messy than the “I knew since birth that I had been assigned to the wrong gender” stories ...