In 1999, I wondered if anyone else felt a connection to aprons. That curiosity led me to embark on an apron journey that unexpectedly and quite delightfully has resulted in the publication of my first book, THE APRON BOOK: Making, Wearing and Sharing a Bit of Cloth and Comfort; a national touring...
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In 1999, I wondered if anyone else felt a connection to aprons. That curiosity led me to embark on an apron journey that unexpectedly and quite delightfully has resulted in the publication of my first book, THE APRON BOOK: Making, Wearing and Sharing a Bit of Cloth and Comfort; a national touring exhibit, APRON CHRONICLES: a Patchwork of American Recollections; and Apron Memories', my very own company of vintage inspired aprons that I design. As a further outlet for my love of aprons, I created Tie One On Day. Annually recognized by Chase's Calendar of Events on Thanksgiving Eve, the 4th Wednesday of November (11/22/06 this year), the designated day celebrates the humble apron and the spirit of women of earlier generations who donned the universal symbol of home, family and mothering as the uniform of their daily wardrobe and helped make America the great country it is today. The process by which I turn the apron memories of others into evocative narratives is one I presented at the 2006 International Obituary Writers' Conference. I've never met a happier group of writers, and I'm already at work with Carolyn Gilbert, the Conference organizer, on next year's live-ly presentation.No one is more surprised than I that the apron has brought into my life the most amazing bounty of friend-ship, storytelling and joy. Aprons! Who would have imagined? At the first writer's conference I attended in 2000, I was inspired by Jack Canfield, co-creator of the Soup for the Soul empire, that "Going for it is the only way to go." Serendipi-tously, my very first writing sale was 2 years later to Chicken Soup for the Parent's Soul. A second essay (and tribute to my mama)- I Never Saw My Mother Do a Sit Up - appears in Chicken Soup To Inspire a Woman's Soul. And my vignette on the book that influenced my life appears in Jack's (!!) latest, You've Got To Read This Book! 55 People Tell the story of the Book that Changed Their Life. While I doubt other contribu-tors like Malachy McCourt, John Gray, Dave Barry, Craigslist founder Craig Newmark, eBay COO Maynard Webb,and Jacquelyn Mitchard (Oprah's first Book Club author)are excited I'm one of the 55, I am ecstatic to be included.I live in Pueblo, Colorado, with my prince charming, Hank. My sons, Noah and Gideon, have flown the coop. Like their Dad, they are excellent husband material, and will one day be someone's prince charming.September 1, I'll celebrate a 31st wedding anniversary. Last year, we toasted one another in China; this year, we'll be clinking champagne glasses and swatting mosquitoes out back on the patio. Truffles, our departed pet, was so beloved, we had her memorialized in a life-size portrait. Framed in faux gold, the painting hangs in our dining room, her favorite spot. Years since her puttin' down, we still can't talk about her without tearing up.
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