by Roy Thomas, Michael T. Gilbert, George Freeman, Michael Moorcock
Three stories featuring Elric, last prince of Melnibone.A mysterious ship connects him with three other people who are their plane's incarnation of the Eternal Champion in order to stop a threat to the whole universe.Then he meets an ancestor believed to have been long dead before discovering the or...
This is the second book in the "Elric Saga" and to date I'm underwhelmed. These are supposed to be among the greatest works of fantasy ever published. I can't say I think this matches Lord of the Ring or Game of Thrones or Once and Future King or The Gormenghast Trilogy in terms of prose, characters...
This is the second of the Elric books, and like the first, is crafted by using a collection of short stories (four I believe). Elric, or at least the early Elric books, because once the Elric saga became a runaway success Moorcock began to simply write, what I consider at least, rubbish simply to ca...
Reminds me of the comic book publishers' "cross-over" events, where they put Spiderman into Hulk's book for a couple months, to increase the readership of each title. It can generate some nifty stories, but it should be immediately suspect as marketing-driven rather than aesthetically-driven, a pre...
The second book in the Elric series. Elric decides he needs some self improvement, and that he should take a year out from being Emperor and travel the lesser kingdoms. I think his idea is that he could better understand the younger human races by living amongst them, but hatred of melniboneans is...