The thrilling sequel to Convergence! Still recovering from the events that befell her in Los Angeles, Mesa Everitt is learning how to rebuild her life. The murder of a memorialist enclave changes all of that and sets into motion a series of violence that forces her into hiding. Hunted by a...
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The thrilling sequel to Convergence!
Still recovering from the events that befell her in Los Angeles, Mesa Everitt is learning how to rebuild her life.
The murder of a memorialist enclave changes all of that and sets into motion a series of violence that forces her into hiding. Hunted by a squad of corporate mercenaries, with the lives of her friends and family in danger, Mesa has no one to turn to, but she holds a dark secret inside her skull. She has no knowledge of that secret, but it is worth killing for.
The ghosts of her haunted, forgotten past are about to emerge.
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