Emily Carding lives on Dartmoor with her Daughter and three cats known as the Supurrrnal Triad; Kether Kitty, Chokmah Cat and Binah Puss.She has created various offerings, such as The Transparent Tarot, the Transparent Oracle, and The Tarot of the Sidhe for Schiffer Books. She has also...
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Emily Carding lives on Dartmoor with her Daughter and three cats known as the Supurrrnal Triad; Kether Kitty, Chokmah Cat and Binah Puss.She has created various offerings, such as The Transparent Tarot, the Transparent Oracle, and The Tarot of the Sidhe for Schiffer Books. She has also contributed book covers, articles and artwork for several works from Avalonia Books. To date these titles include Towards a Wiccan Circle (Cover), Both Sides of Heaven, (Cover and article- "The Salvation of the Sidhe"), From a Drop of Water (Article- "Nimue: The Archetypal Priestess"), Hekate Her Sacred Fires (Cover, Article- "Painting Hekate" and internal illustrations), and VS. (Cover, Articles- "Sun and Moon" and "Painting Polarity"). Her most recent work Faery Craft, a faery lifestyle and magical practice book which was published by Llewellyn in Autumn 2012. Recent years have seen Emily return to her work in theatre, but a new book on the magical content of Shakespeare is in the works.
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