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Elizabeth is missing was an emotional story about an elderly lady who is living with dementia.I liked the story as I found it extremely effective at highlighting how difficult the illness is on family members; I found the character of Helen so real in this story and I am sure there are daughters an...
Whilst it's quite unique to write a book from the point of view of a senile lady with severe memory loss problems (Alzheimers, not specified, though) it is utterly imperative to write it in a way that isn't utterly boring, slow and, well, like the narrator has Alzheimers. It is obviously repetitive ...
I will be recommending this to my mother who was so fascinated by her own mother's dementia that she went back to school and became a gerontologist. Cleverly written from the POV of an elderly woman with dementia, you get a small flavor as to what that might be like.
I tried to like this novel p. I really did but couldn't get through it
One of the most emotionally engrossing novels I've ever read. A truly stunning debut. Full review here: