I’ve always loved books where everything is totally not as it looks like. Well, Chris is definitely the one who can’t be cracked easily. Having a great deal of issues he keeps smiling, drawing and making the people around him happy, right till the moment anybody wants to get too close.In the other h...
***DNF 14%***I had a problem with this book since the very beginning. I wasn’t horrified right away but the writing style doesn’t agree with me, and it made it complicated for me to focus on the story, because it was damn distracting and formulaic.What do I mean with this?The author tells things. Fa...
If I was rating this book based strictly on Chris this would probably be at least a 4 star rating because I really liked Chris. Chris is a young man whose education came from the school of hard knocks and I think he may have repeated a year or two but in spite of all that he's a pretty upbeat and re...
I read what you write says it all. I don’t shy away from any genre, though I have many favorites, erotica in its many forms is not generally among them and thankfully I am not asked to review it very often. It seems all too often authors of that particular type of story fall back on crude language, ...
Woah, I have to admit I didn't know what to expect from this series when I picked up the first book by Emma Jaye. The dichotomy of this tale is really split into two halves. The first half is all storytelling foreplay filled with interesting, likeable characters and enough sexual tension to fill a W...