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Enchanting the Lady - Community Reviews back

by Kathryne Kennedy
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jmihalik rated it 11 years ago
More like 2.5 stars. It was decent enough that I made it to the end, but I didn't love it. I'm kind of over a heroine that thinks she's plain, even if it was a spell in this case. Especially because when the spell was removed, carriages "crashed in the street" due to her beauty. Oy. The male le...
e_bookpushers rated it 12 years ago
Probably a 3.5. This was a re-read. Very fascinating world Kennedy has built. I enjoyed reading all of them.
The Demon Librarian
The Demon Librarian rated it 13 years ago
jhgufkfyiftyfukgitrftyfkhglh!Oh, I really wanted to like this! I love the idea of it; the premise. It's an alternate-history, magical 19th Century London setting and had some terrific world-building elements. I love the idea of the magical community's hierarchy based on power levels and abilities. Y...
BookRecommendations rated it 13 years ago
I downloaded this from Discover a new love since I read and liked The Firelord's lover a couple of years ago.This is a light paranormal, set in an alternate Victorian London. I had a lot of fun trying to guess which parts of London the different neighborhoods was based on. The alternative place name...
Blodeuedd rated it 13 years ago
I found this book to be adorable, it was just so cute and fun. Not to mention that I liked the society that in this alternate England.Magic is still around and English society is infused by it. The Royals have the most powers and then the Dukes and so forth. If you are without then you are stripped ...
drey's library
drey's library rated it 13 years ago
If you like your period romances mixed with magic and shapeshifters, then Enchanting the Lady is the book for you. It’s sweet and romantic, with plenty of love-at-first-sight warm-fuzzies, followed by obstacles to overcome in the form of greedy relatives, before getting to the happily-ever-after. Wh...
Book Hoarders Anonymous
Book Hoarders Anonymous rated it 13 years ago
Hahah. very funny. Not. I think maybe the author was attempting to make this cute and sweet and... well, it came across as...not exactly. The overriding theme was something along the lines of Harry vs the Dursleys if "he" was a "she" and they had the means to steal his magic. The attempts at h...
Blood Rose Books
Blood Rose Books rated it 13 years ago
After reading the Drowning City, I needed something light and easy to read. Enchanting the Lady defiantly falls into this category. It is a paranormal historical romance, which for me is what I tend to drift towards when I do read a romance book.The book takes place in London in the late 1800s and i...
Joji's Book Haven
Joji's Book Haven rated it 13 years ago
3.5 stars
Tina's Reading Books
Tina's Reading Books rated it 15 years ago
In this paranormal romance, Victorian England is a magical place. The nobility are titled based on the power of their magics. The more powerful they are the higher their rank. The Royal family is the highest and often employ Werefolk as advisors and bodyguards because they are impervious to magic...
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