by Orson Scott Card
Ehhh I was not crazy about this one, unfortunately. I liked parts of the concept, but I never felt much of a connection to the characters and I felt like the plot dragged a lot. Plus there were a lot of other little things that bothered me. Full review coming soon!
A brilliant novel. Hollywood is going to destroy it.
Repetitive descriptions of battles I didn't care much for, main plot too distracting, with side-stories that are much more thought provoking, a couple of twists to amaze kids, because they aren't amazed enough by Ender’s all-round amazingness… Even when he’s bad, he’s amazingly bad. But he’s a kid, ...
I'm so glad I finally got around to reading this title, that seemed to be forever on my to-read list. A lot of what people list as negative aspects about this book, I loved-- the game details, all of the time spent in the battle room, the old for their age children-- and it was such a fast paced and...
This book kept popping up as a recommendation and for whatever reason I kept overlooking it - I honestly think because of the cover art portraying a child. I assumed it was a "young" YA novel that I wouldn't really be interested in, but boy was I WRONG! I sort of happened upon some of the reviews an...
WOW... just WOW... I just couldn't stop reading it. Some stuff was a bit too much but nevertheless, it got me hooked
Awesome, awesome book. O.S. Card is one hell of a writer. Many philosophical stuff to learn from this book, many tears to shed, many things to think about. Thank you to Card for his excellent storytelling and writing. I love it to bits! I just don't know if I have the courage to read the sequels. I ...
Orson Scott Card said that he did not write this book to be deep and profound literature, but I disagree with the author. I think this story is moving and compelling on so many levels, and the depth of the story is not lacking.I had some major issues with some of the animal abuse in the story, but ...
So I was looking forward to this book because everyone and their Mom was raving about it. I made it 54% before getting super bored with it. Ok, I just read not more than a chapter ago that people hate Ender. He's perfect. Toons. Battles. Swords. Pizza. Cheeseburgers. More battles and backstabbing an...
I've gone back and forth on whether to read this because...well, you know why. But I figure since I own it already, I might as well.