Audio edition, narrator Greg Tremblay. 6 hour 33 minutes Overall: 3 Performance: 5 Story: 3 Into the Void starts off right where Chains of Destiny ends. The ship, Destiny, barely escaped with its crew and needs to pick up supplies and are headed into the Void, a place far and difficult to get t...
Audio edition, narrator Greg Tremblay. 11 hours 17 minutes Overall: 4 Performance: 5 Story: 4 The story picks up right where #1 The Terran Gambit left off. I really enjoyed The Terran Gambit, and I did this one as well. It's twice as long as the first book, though, but it's packed with story an...
Inredible read.I especially likedDecode (Autumn Kalquist)Little Blue (Chris Reher)No More Lies (Nina Croft)Word-Bound (MeiLin Miranda)STORY SYNOPSES #DontTell (Peter Cawdron)For centuries, people have wondered what it would be like to read someone’s mind. Little do they know, they already have. To ...
I felt that the first book in this series had some promise although already when I reviewed that one I was worried that it would turn into a never ending, being on the run, Fugitive / Battlestar Galactica type of story. Unfortunately this seems to be excactly the direction this series is taking.The ...
Future BL with Marte (Audio-version) - Just received my copy. YAAAAYYYY - Narrator: Greg Tremblay!!!!~~Audio copy provided by the narrator in exchange for an honest review.
Quite okay light reading in the science fiction / action genre. The books follows more or less directly from The Terran Gambit, the first book in The Pax Humana series. The rather badly mauled Phoenix is on the run from Admiral Trajan and his cronies and of course in need for supplies. Not a very or...
This review is based on a ARC-version of the book but I doubt that the final book will be much different. It is indeed a good start to a new series. Most of the book is pretty much setting the stage for the rest of the series, like the pilot show of a TV-series. The end result is that the stage is s...