by Christine Blum, Kristin Cast, P.C. Cast
'The centre golden limestone statue above the entrance to the church quivered, shifted, and in a fetid burst of freezing air, the white bull materialised. As he emerged from the skin of the church, his hooves sparked, causing the ground to shake. He snorted, staring after where Neferet had disappear...
Neferet’s machinations continue to kill more people, only this time in a very prominent, public fashion. Faced with a possible backlash from humanity, the vampires of the House of Night need to act quickly to expose Neferet and protect their own reputation This book also brings us a lot of Neferet...
This series is starting to drag on a bit, but I will read the last book to get the end of the story. I almost wish the series was 8-9 books long instead of 12...
...but to milk that cash cow that is The House of Night. In 300 pages, nothing was resolved. Nothing really happened until the last 10 pages. The rest was teenage angst and useless filler. Zoey and Aurox. Zoey and Stark. Zoey. Zoey. Zoey. She speaks like a toddler, acts like a whiny baby and doesn...
Revealed is a final ditch effort to install more drama into a dead series when the Casts woke up last month and realized they had two more books (Revealed and Redeemed) to tie this up. Remember how in Hidden, there was that hidden (oh, I get it now) chapter on the website? Turns out it's chapter one...
I have no self control. I know House of Night year was 2013, but this one was mocking me at the library and I just had to read it. I really don’t know why my library’s YA librarian has to pick out such rancid choices in reading for the youth in my community. I really want to sit down and discuss ...
Okay that ending was frustrating!!!! How long am I waiting til the next one?
I don't even have an "in my defense" argument. I know these books suck hard for so many reasons - whether it's the lame speak, the immature behavior, the characters who fail to use their brains, or horrific stereotypes being reinforced. BUT I still think the adventures are fun. This is why I keep ...
I don't have much to say about this book. Some funny moments, some strange moments and too much Neferet. It ends on an interesting note and I'm very curious to see how it will all shake out. 3 Stars
This is the 11th book in the House of Night series, and it becomes hard with each book not give away too much when it come to the story and the characters. All the players are back and there is plenty of things going this time around to make this series so great. Zoey our main character is dealing w...