I didn't like this trade quite as much as the one before it. I wasn't terribly interested in the cult storyline, and I didn't feel like Vixen was used quite as well as she could have been. That said, I am interested to see what will happen next, and I still like the way Simone writes her main charac...
This just further proves that Batman is the strongest member of the JLA, hands down. If you think otherwise, you're crazy. He's the only human, yet he's the most prepared for any conflict. And even in the midst of a gigantic mistake made in this one, he still manages to fight to save the day and bri...
I remember reading this trade back when it was first published, and enjoying it. Years later, I've become a slightly more critical reader and I've been reading some much better stuff. The end result is that I didn't like it quite as much as I had back then.The plot is not the problem here. The basic...
Still a bit disappointed, but at least this volume was far less kitschy than volume one. The storytelling found its footing a bit better in this one.
Okay writing, but disappointed all the same. Some deaths are meant to last and mean something, even if it's a major death.