Eric J. Hobsbawm
Birth date: June 09, 1917
Died: October 01, 2012
Eric J. Hobsbawm's Books
It seems as if Hobsbawm was too confused or dishonest about the goals and accomplishments of communism to give it to us straight in chapter 2. It's possible that's because he was an old man. But it seems he'd had a lifetime to consider communism and hadn't quite strayed from the idea that world-wide...
Not the worst of it's kind but there were parts that just dragged. This is a selection of essays about the invention of tradition, largely in the 19th Century. Starts with an introduction by Eric Hobsbawm which is pretty dry. The enthusiasm that Hugh Trevor-Roper has for his topic of Highland Trad...
From the Guardian's list of 100 non-fiction : "Hobsbawm charts the failure of capitalists and communists alike in this account of the 20th century"
Hard to imagine a better, more thoughtful, more thoroughly digested and original survey of a period which I wanted and needed to know much more about.
A mixed bunch of studies which seemed to get less and less penetrable as you go on.