Where to start...? I'll start with Kate. I wasn't her biggest fan. As Hain described her she was just a "spoilt brat" and I have to agree. I'll admit that she started to mellow the further we got through the book but not much. Yeah, I get that being told you've been reincarnated for the past god k...
HERE by Eric Marier was absolutely nothing like I expected...and I'm so glad, because I loved it! Based on the synopsis, I was expecting a creepy, Gothic ghost story/horror story, and I did get that--but not until the last 25% of the book. The majority of the book was actually a quiet, realistic s...
This one is more of a 3.5 for me, but I'm rounding it up because I thought the last third was really good and had a creepy vibe to it, especially near the ending where it got downright scary (to me, but I think I'm just easily scared).Let me begin by saying that the author states in the end that he ...