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How it is that some people seem to encounter such interesting stories in their lives? Is it just luck/misfortune (depending upon how you look at it) or is it something in us that attracts bizarre situations? Dean Haspiel has his share of weird run-ins, friendships and strange occurrences and then...
Ni siquiera pude terminarlo. El "arte" es terrible, de hecho he visto cosas mejores en las caricaturas del periódico. Las imágenes se ven pixeladas y muchas veces para poder entenderlas tenía que hacer mega zoom en la pagina, o entrecerrar los ojos y girar la cabeza 45 grados a la izquierda, mientra...
From the moment I began I knew this wouldn't end well. I instantly regretted not flipping through the book before I hit the check out desk. The cover is eye catching, so I was hoping for some eye catching art. Unfortunately, it suffers due to the style. The shading is the same black intensity as the...