Erik Blegvad
Birth date: March 03, 1923
Died: January 14, 2014
Erik Blegvad's Books
This was a cute enjoyable story, about small river dwellers called the minnipins. It has a fairly clear underlying message, but I didn't feel too bludgeoned with it. [Feb. 2011]
It was all right but I didn't find it to be any thing special. The characters were quirky and enjoyable but I was intensely bored while reading after the 30th page or so. I couldn't tell you exactly why but this just wasn't a book that got to me or kept my interest.
I just came to this too late, I think. The kids, the old house, the mystery, it's all perfectly good, but I've read other books that I think did it even better. Possibly if I hadn't already read Coraline I'd have liked this more. Maybe not. Transcendentalism isn't really my thing, I'm afraid, an...
I'm not actually in favor of giving kids books to read about specific topics as biliotherapy. And this book, whether or not it was intended as such, feels like that to me. If not read in that context, however, I think it's a rather moving story about a child dealing with grief.