Alexis Balefire (Lexi) is an unawakened blood witch - she has witchy tendencies (like listening and following her inner voice/instincts/institution) and wants to awaken her inner witch because she has a family legacy to protect the Balefire for all witches on the east coast. Unfortunately, time is r...
Blurb from book...Guys can be annoying, but the demonic kind are the worst…That is how Kenzie Sutcliffe felt about Levi. He shot out of Kenzie’s shower, a.k.a. the demon hole, not too long ago. It was hard for Kenzie to close the portal—it involved her driving the family’s minivan into the kitchen. ...
Demon EnvyAuthors: Erin Lynn 11/28/20088:12 AM Very cute YA paranormal that should get even better as the series develops. The first 75 pages or so are a set up for the series.