Erlend Loe
Birth date: May 24, 1969
Erlend Loe's Books
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I've read this book many a time before, and it has yet to fail me. It's a simple book on the surface, but for me it's a way to climb out of a hole whenever existing gets to be a bit too much. It's not a magic cure, but it makes life tolerable again. title of this superb little tale should have remained and contained both the words Mixing Part. The title Lazy Days is unjust, inappropriate, and mediocre for a book this good and honest to the core. From the opening pages one ca...
Maj ha 92 anni, ama Marley e fuma canne. Doppler ha lasciato la famiglia, vaga per boschi con al seguito il figlio e l'alce. Von Borring, ama gli uccelli e la vita da scout. Maj è nemica di von Borring e amica di Doppler. Doppler non conosce von Borring almeno fino a che dovrà posare sulla porta di ...