I picked up the first book, Wind Catcher on an Amazon free day, so I was very excited when I won a signed paperback of Brink of Dawn, Book II by Jeff & Erynn altabef. Wind Catcher has won several awards and I am curious to see about this one. There are two covers. Look below, after reading my revi...
Windcatcher, Chosen #1, by Jeff & Erynn Altabef has more to offer than a beautiful cover. Speaking of covers, what do you think? Does it make you want to check it out and learn more? Cover: Mallory Rock Amazon / Goodreads MY REVIEW I got Wind Catcher by Jeff & Erynn Altabef, as an Amaz...
Juliet/Jules left Arizona to find someone like herself . troy is her best friend and by her side. Then Juliet goes to an inn where she has been summoned to go. Juliet can hear people’s thoughts, read people’s emotions and she can possess animals for a short period of time. She also has increased str...
This is the second installment in The Chosen series. It picks up the story of Juliet and Troy as they leave Arizona and make their way to the New York City in hopes of finding out more information about Juliet’s Chosen Status. We are also introduced to Connor, Blake and Akari, The remaining chosen ...
It was okay, but didn't hold my interested. Tossed in DNF pile at 25% of the way in.
What caught my attention about this book was the setting. Paranormal meets Native Americans... it's not such a stretch, but at the same time it doesn't seem done very often.I wasn't disappointed, mostly. I thought the basic idea behind the story was intriguing, but I also thought it had a few flaws....