As I was not yet writing reviews when I read this book, I don't have reviews for each of the short stories included in this anthology. So here are my ratings; if I ever reread the book, I intend to add reviews.★★★☆☆ Knickerbocker Holiday by Richard Bowes★★☆☆☆ That Girl by Kaaron Warren★☆☆☆☆ Akbar by...
The review for this book will appear on the Sleeping Hedgehog in due course. I'm a bit behind, please be patient.
Jumbled mess of a fairy tale retelling, in which Sleeping Beauty is inexplicably a cruel sociopath. I think we are meant to care about her. Somehow. Though she tortures small animals for fun.There is also an incomprehensible backstory about her aunts' dead brother who was gay, or under a spell, or b...
Amal el-Mohtar, Sonya Taaffe, R.W. Day